Revive tired eyes with this beauty expert’s DIY eye mask.
Beauty expert and creator of The Beauty Bean Alexis Wolfer has just debuted her first book, “The Recipe for Radiance: Discover Beauty’s Best-Kept Secrets in Your Kitchen” and she generously shared one of her coveted recipes with us. “The Recipe for Radiance” boasts 130+ all-natural DIY beauty and food recipes—with more than 60 from industry experts, celebs and chefs—offering an affordable and easy way to beautify from the inside out. Using ingredients already in your kitchen, “The Recipe for Radiance” tackles common beauty concerns with internal (EAT IT) and topical (APPLY IT) food-based solutions.
In this recipe, she shares a gentle yet effective solution to treating parched skin around the sensitive eye are and diminishing lines. She advises staying away from aggressive, granular exfoliants for the eyes and instead, favors the naturally occurring lactic acid found in milk. This eye compress gently breaks down dead skin cells to reveal a more youthful complexion. At the same time, skin-nourishing vitamins and fat in both the milk and avocado hydrates skin while the antioxidant-rich grape seed oil protects it.
Enjoy and thank you Alexis!
Here’s what you need:
- 1 tbsp. avocado
- 1 tbsp. grape seed oil
- 3 tbsp. whole milk
Here’s what you do:
Using a fork or blender, combine the avocado with grape see oil until creamy. Slowly add the milk until well combined. Saturate two cotton pads with the mixture and apply under your eyes for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water and pat dry.
Recipe reprinted with permission from “The Recipe for Radiance: Discover Beauty’s Best-Kept Secrets in Your Kitchen” © 2014 by Alexis Wolfer, Running Press, a member of the Perseus Books Group.
Photo Credit: Evan Sung
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