A deliciously sweet body scrub for sweetly soft skin.
With five times the antioxidants found in green tea, pomegranates are among the superheros of anti-aging. The edible arils pack the tiny seeds and juice that hold the key to super sweet soft skin. This deliciously aromatic pomegranate body scrub gently whisks away dead skin cells while giving the body (and spirit!) a burst of nourishment. Keep a handful of the pomegranate arils to sprinkle on your next salad (mmm mmm!).
Here’s what you need:
- 1/4 cup white sugar
- 2 tablespoon of sweet almond or jojoba oil
- 1 teaspoon grated orange peel
- Dash of honey
- Handful of pomegranate arils (seeds)
Here’s what you do:
Mix sugar, oil, orange peel and honey until it creates a paste or consistency of your preference. Carefully blend in pomegranate arils. In the shower or tub, massage the sweet body scrub from the neck down, avoiding any sensitive areas.
As with any natural home beauty treatment, always first test the mixture on the inside of your arm to make sure it does not irritate your skin.
More reading:
- How to Cut a Pomegranate from Woman’s Day
- The Skin Care Benefits of Pomegranates from About.com
- Pomegranate Recipes from POMWonderful
[…] to make your own? Check out our Flippin’ Sweet Pomegranate Body Scrub recipe. Pin It googletag.cmd.push(function() { […]