A super soothing bath soak for tired muscles and a racing mind! Use the entire mixture in the bathtub or just a few scoops as a foot soak. Pack into a pretty jar for a great gift.
Here's what you need:
- 2 heaping cups of Epsom Salt
- 2 teaspoons jojoba or almond oil
- 8 to 12 drops of your favorite essential oil
- airtight jar
Here's what you do:
Mix ingredients together thoroughly. Try eucalyptus essential oil for a stuffy nose, orange for energy or chamomile for relaxation. Pour the concoction into a tub of warm water and soak for 10 to 15 minutes. To save for later use, pack mixture into an airtight jar and store in a dark location.
[…] Salty Dish Soak […]