Do-it-yourself skincare lotions and potions for kids made with love and simple, natural ingredients.
Let me start by saying that I’m not an expert on anything to do with kids. Nothing. Nada. And yet, I have one. He’s a super active, super spirited little 4-year-old who, through the adoption process, was placed with me and the Spa Boy in October 2016. He’s just an amazingly sharp, cute-as-heck little guy and we’re beyond grateful to the Universe for him finding his way to us.
Oh, and, I have no idea what I’m doing.

Every day is a roller coaster of learning and I can’t even begin to thank my posse of moms and grandmas for their advice, encouragement and tireless support.
That said, my fingertips are calloused from all the midnight Googling I’ve done on everything from how to sneak veggies into your kid’s food to researching preschools and endless other things I’m embarrassed to admit.
And when it comes to their hygiene, well, there’s another little foothill I’ve been climbing. Obviously, I know enough to steer clear of the Sponge Bob Square Pants bubble bath. Just the smell alone was enough to send me straight to natural foods aisle. Dear Lord, what is that bubble gum spiked with Windex? Ick.
I’ve found a few great organic products but the prices are taking a big bite out of our Disneyland fund.
Here are the basics:
- Organic Sweet Almond Oil (If nut allergies are an issue, go with Apricot Oil or Jojoba Oil. Almond oil is usually the least expensive though.)
- Pure Castile Soap (I really like Bronner’s Baby Unscented.)
- 100% Pure Vegetable Glycerin
- Organic Aloe Vera Gel
- Lavender Essential Oil (For a quick guide to essential oils and kids, start here.)
Yep, that’s it! These, along with a few optional specialty items, are all you really need as a base for kid-friendly cleansers and cures. And even better, they have a way of sneaking into your own beauty routine.
Here are four that do double duty for your kids and you.
Oh Baby Oil (Doubles as Cut, Scratch and Bug Bite Relief Remedy)
I discovered a need for a soothing solution when our little guy brushed up against a prickly pear cactus. Those tiny little spikes gave him dry bumps on his arm that lasted nearly two weeks. And I’m not super jazzed about the petroleum-derived mineral oil in standard baby oils, especially when you can whip up this easy alternative.
Here’s what you need:
- 1/2 cup sweet almond oil
- 2 teaspoon aloe
- 10 drops of lavender oil
Here’s what you do:
Mix it up in a fun bottle and have it ready for itches, scratches and dry skin patches. Great as a cuticle oil too, moms!
Nighty Night Bath Soak (Doubles as Soothing Foot Soak)
Our little guy likes his bubbles baths but I was a little concerned that the sodium lauryl sulfate-based products might mess with the natural oils kids are so blessed with. And then there’s that whole toxicity thing…. This is an easy, super-safe, subtle bubble alternative.
Here’s what you need:
- 1 cup castile soap
- 1 cup vegetable glycerin
- 30 drops lavender essential oil
Here’s what you do:
Mix in a cup and pour under running water. Bam. I know it’s not the crazy Sponge Bob Square Pants Bubbles but it’s just enough and the castile soap keeps him clean and skin soft. Oh, and if your feet are aching at the end of the day, pour a 1/2 cup of Epsom salts and a 1/2 cup of this mixture in a foot soaking tub along with warm water and soak away!
All Better Balm (Doubles as Knees, Elbows and Heels Treatment)
Dry skin is inevitable in our arid Arizona climate and this mixture literally melts like butter into the skin. I dab it on dry lips, scabbed elbows and anywhere else needing a hydration boost (my hands!). The subtle chocolatey aroma keeps little ones happy too!
Here’s what you need:
- 6 oz. unrefined, 100% cocoa butter, cut into rough chunks
- 1/4 cup + 1 tablespoon organic coconut oil
Here’s what you do:
Melt the cocoa butter and coconut oil at medium low until they are liquid. Be patient with the melting process. You don’t want to cook it or microwave it. Place the mixture in the freezer about 30 minutes until its solid again (but not rock hard). Mix it with an electric mixer until you get a fluffy consistency. Transfer to a jar with a tight lid and dab on as needed. Awesome for dry heels, elbows and knees! (If the mixture gets too hard, remelt and add another tablespoon of coconut oil. It took me a few batches before I got the consistency I liked.)
Just for Fun Baby Face Mask (Doubles as a Girls Night Mask)
I have yet to have a spa day with our little guy yet but it will happen. And I’m ready. Here’s a fun recipe that both you and your little one can share.
Here’s what you need:
- ¼ cup oatmeal
- ½ ripe banana, mashed
Here’s what you do:
Mix 2 tablespoons of water with the oatmeal and let it sit for about 10 minutes. Mix in the mashed banana and go to town smearing on your faces. You can also blend the ingredients for a smoother mixture.
And finally, to all my fellow moms out there, you are all amazing and wonderful! Moms really do rock!
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