What to know before you go. Bikini waxing tips for the novice!
I know what you’re thinking and I’ll get right to the point. Yes, it hurts. Getting a bikini wax is about as much fun as slamming your pinky in a door. But if you’re tired of futzing with razors, gels, creams and all the other depilatory gadgets available today, a professional bikini wax is worth every twinge of pain and awkward moment. I know. As a service to my two faithful readers, I took the plunge and got one myself.
Thinking about giving up your bikini waxing virginity? Here are a few tips to know before you go.
Choose a clean, comfy place and a beauty practitioner you trust. I put the matter into the expert hands of aesthetician Shannon Thorpe of Mais Oui Skincare in Scottsdale. Already a master at waxing my brows and keeping my facial flare-ups at bay, Shannon is a self-professed clean freak with a passion for hair removal. She has a cozy treatment room, great taste in music and most importantly, she makes me laugh … most days anyway.
Practice a few g-rated expletives before the first rip. The first order of business was to assume the position, which I’ll leave to your imagination. Suffice it to say, you may want to take up yoga before your first waxing session. Once I was “comfortable,” Shannon applied a one-by-two-inch patch of the warm green goo. She waited about 15 seconds for the wax to dry and with one firm, quick yank (and absolutely no warning), the first unsuspecting handful of hairs were uprooted from their happy little homes. Good golly, that smarts! After some very bad words escaped my lips, I had to ask, “Am I bleeding?” One look at Shannon’s rolled eyes and I knew I was being a tad over-dramatic.
Consult mother nature before you make an appointment. The best time to get waxed is the week after your menstrual cycle when your pain threshold is at its highest. “If you’re crying at car commercials, don’t make an appointment for a bikini wax,” Shannon says as I calculate that I’m just days before my period. “Hmmm … bad timing,” she muses just before she rips another patch of hairs from my screaming skin. “You do know CPR, right?” I ask.
Skip the full monty on your first time. Unless you’ve got a high tolerance for pain, you may want to pass on the trendy Brazilian until you have some experience under your belt. “I’ve had people come in here wanting a Brazilian their first time, and they change their minds pretty quickly after that first yank.” Good advice. At one side down and one to go, I’m wondering why on earth I’ve submitted myself to this torture.
Practice the fine art of breathing. By side two, I had a cramp in my leg, my palms were sweating and I was on the verge of hyperventilation. Although the process took only about 10 minutes, it’s the anticipation before each yank that will have you looking for the closest escape route. The trick is to close your eyes, relax your muscles and take a long, deep breath before each yank. And after the yank, belt out one of those g-rated curse words you practiced earlier. It worked for me.
After all was said and done, the results were amazing and I forgave Shannon for hurting me with such enthusiasm. The good news is that after your first waxing, the tiny hair follicles have been damaged, so subsequent waxings will hurt less and hair growth will eventually diminish. Not only do results last three to five weeks, but you might just become a convert because of the freedom that comes along with a clean, bump-free bikini line. But don’t forget to arm yourself with a few good curse words for your first time … they come in handy, trust me!
More Tips for First-Timers
- Let hair grow out 2 to 3 weeks (about a quarter of an inch) before going in for waxing.
- Book your service early in the morning before your skin gets clammy from exercise or errands.
- Stay out of the sun 24 hours before and after your waxing service.
- Exfoliate the bikini line the day before your appointment with a loofah or body scrub. Follow up with baby oil to soften the hair follicles.
- Pop an aspirin or ibuprofen an hour before your appointment.
- Let your aesthetician know of any medications you’re taking.
- Apply a first aid antibiotic gel with pain relief like Neosporin after the waxing as necessary.
Any bikini waxing tips of your own? Do tell by commenting below!
Thanks for sharing, I am thinking about taking this route and this answered my questions!
Oh wow, your first tip had me dying! I’m pretty sure that I’m going to ask many times if I’m bleeding when I get my first wax next week. I am really excited to be able to wear a swimming suit during the hot summer months so I’ll have to talk with them about starting out small like you suggest. I’m glad that I came across this article because it definitely answered some of the questions that I was having!
Thanks for the advice. I’m older and will be doing this for the first time. I kind of suspected there would be pain involved, but the tips you give are great ones to know. Thank you.
Thank you for your post!This Post is fabulous! Lots of great info including, There’s nothing worse than a fantasy of smooth skin that ends with a nightmare mess of bumps, lumps, redness, peeling, and irritation. Many of us struggle with sensitive skin, due to genetics, exposure to environmental pollutants, lifestyle, and a host of issues.
Another important tip my waxer gave me is to remember to hydrate!!! Especially when using a hard wax. Otherwise the wax tends to not come off easily (causing more pain). Good luck ladies!
The first time I got waxed, my beautician told me that I had a side that was more sensitive. We found this out after the fact, when it was the ending side. If you know one side is more sensitive, ask to have the process started on that side. Start with the worst, don’t end with it. Makes the whole process much easier.