Kick off the new year with recipes that start from the inside out to restore a natural, healthy glow. Read on for The Spa Doctor’s prescription for better skin.
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I don’t know about you but I feel as fluffy as a Stay Puft marshmallow. My skin is blaaah and my energy level has dipped down to a new low.
High time for a detox.
To start this journey, I did two things. First, I unsubscribed from a ton of daily recipe emails. One more “Mom’s Best Ooey Gooey Chocolate Cake” recipe in my inbox and my Puft is bound to Stay. And second, I got a couple new reads. The first one I cracked open is the “How Not to Die Cookbook.” by Dr. Michael Greger and Gene Stone. My 7-year-old son gagged on the first dish I made from this plant-based cookbook. Grrr. I’ll keep at it though.
The second book I got was “Clean Skin from Within” by Dr. Trevor Cates, aka, The Spa Doctor. This one’s more my speed and even better, Dr. Cates has kid-friendly recipes, a few that she says her kids even like helping prepare. Her book lays out a 2-week nutritional overhaul to restore the health of your skin and your overall well-being. The best news of all is that she gave us permission to share a few nutrient-packed recipes along with a home spa mask to brighten your complexion.
So let’s dig in! Let’s start this year off together with a little less marshmallow and a whole lot of leafy greens. Happy New Year!
Detox from Within: The Spa Dr. Healthy Skin Prescription
According to Dr. Cates, smoothies have an advantage over raw juicing because they retain fiber, which is essential for our digestive system and they make you feel full. She warns though not to overdo the fruit and to sneak in green leafy veggies like spinach and kale. If you crave a sweeter flavor, she suggests pitted dates, stevia or a dash on cinnamon. Here’s her tropical smoothie, which our whole family loves. It’s so filling and delicious!
Tropical Smoothie
- 1 cup organic unsweetened coconut mil
- ½ cup chopped papaya
- ¼ avocado
- ¼ cup chopped pineapple
- ¼ cup unsweetened organic coconut flakes
- 2 pitted dates
- 1 tablespoon chia seeds
- 1 tablespoon fresh lime juice
- Handful of ice made from filtered water
- Dash of stevia powder (optional)
Combine all the ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.
Take up your smoothies a notch with The Spa Dr. All-In-One Daily Shake at thespadr.com.

Crisp Antioxidant Salad
I love salads and my body functions so much better when I eat one a day. This recipe is a mix of high antioxidant ingredients along with the necessary fats for glowing skin. Be sure not to skimp on the nuts! Dr. Cates says raw nuts are a nutrient-dense food full of vitamin E and fatty acids essential for healthy skin.
For salad:
- 5 ounce package of power greens, baby kale or salad mix
- 1 carrot, cut into thin matchsticks
- ½ cup cooked kidney or red beans, or canned, rinsed and drained
- ½ organic Granny Smith apple, cut into thin wedges
- ½ cup chopped raw pecans
- ½ cup fresh organic blueberries
- ¼ cup pomegranate seeds (optional)
For dressing:
- ¼ cup extra-virgin olive oil
- 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
- 1 tablespoon chopped fresh cilantro
- 1 tablespoon chopped fresh basil
- 1 teaspoon dried oregano
- 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
- Himalayan salt or Celtic sea salt
- Pepper
Toss the salad ingredients in a large salad bowl. Whisk the dressing ingredients in a small bowl. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Toss the salad with the dressing and enjoy!
If you’re ready for a nutritional overhaul, head to thespadr.com.

Oat, Green Tea and Yogurt Face Mask
Here’s Dr. Cates’ recipe for a soothing, anti-inflammatory mask appropriate for all skin types.
- ¼ cup oat flour
- 2 tablespoons plain organic yogurt
- 1 tablespoon green tea, cooled
Mix together ingredients in a small blow and apply. Leave on for 10 to 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.
Take the step toward better skin with The Spa Dr. Daily Essentials 4-Step Skin Care System. BONUS! Save on your purchase with our exclusive discount!

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Wishing you a happy, healthy, glowing new year!
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