Lose weight, feel great (for real!) and detoxify with ProLon’s scientific approach to fasting.
Disclosure: I was given a complimentary fasting kit for this review. This post contains affiliate links, meaning if you click and buy, we get a small percentage of the sale. See our full disclosure policy for details.
No, I’m not a huge fan of intermittent fasting. It sounds like a terrible idea. I know, I know, science. But to me, fasting is like skydiving. Why would you choose to jump out of a plane with a makeshift umbrella strapped to your back and hope you don’t die? Insanity. Same with fasting. Why would you choose not to eat when your stomach is growling and your energy tank is on empty (outside of religious reasons)? Just stay comfortably seated with your seatbelt fastened and eat a sandwich.
So, when I was offered the opportunity to test out the ProLon 5-Day Fasting Mimicking Diet program, I really had to think about it. Could I do it? Why would I do it? How would I deal with prepping family meals for five days without grabbing a fork? Would I make it through happy hour without my daily glass of wine? Would this be a good experience for me or would it be miserable every step of the way?
Well, I said yes. I set goals. And I answered my own questions. Here’s my experience with the Prolon Fasting program.
The ProLon Meal Program box arrives neatly packed with each of the five days separately boxed along with a water bottle, detailed instructions and a quick reference guide. Each of the five boxes contain plant-based energy bars, soups, snacks, teas and supplements for each day. According to the company, the daily nutrients have been carefully studied and designed to nourish your body, support cellular rejuvenation, and support metabolic and overall health for healthy aging.

ProLon Fast Day 1
Like any radical dietary change, the first day is always the toughest. I was filled with anxiety … and excitement … and a little dread. I decided to start on this particular Monday because my second Covid vaccination was scheduled for that Sunday. I figured the best thing I could do to prepare for the shot was to eat a clean diet and hydrate like crazy.
The morning bar and lunch meals rather satisfying. The evening soup was not my favorite but what I learned by Day 2 was to pay close attention to the package directions. The evening soups NEED TO BE COOKED on the stove as directed (not microwaved).
The only issue I had was a tummy gurgle that stuck with me throughout the day.
Day 1 Realization: I can fall asleep just fine without a glass of wine (or three).

Day 2
On Day 2, you add the L-Drink, which has an Alice in Wonderland-type feel to it in that it’s a little bottle that you don’t drink until properly diluted according to your weight. Once you have the right amount, you pour it into the provided water bottle and pop in a hibiscus tea bag if you so choose (do it, it’s lovely!). The slightly sweet and citrusy L-Drink gives you energy throughout the day.
On the whole, Day 2 was good. It gets you settled in and in the groove for Day 3, which was the hardest day of the fast for me.
Day 2 Realization: I eat for a ton of reasons which seldom include hunger — boredom, distraction, frustration, hurt feelings.Need to stop that.

Day 3
The third day is definitely the most challenging. I’ll start with the good news. A side effect of this program — or maybe it’s part of their plan — is that it had the effect of a colon cleanse. I won’t get into the details but let’s just say, bloating and the tummy gurgling were gone.
It took all my strength not to grab a fork and dig into my son’s mac and cheese that evening. But I made it over the hump and I was starting to feel good.
Day 3 Realization: I rely on cheese and dairy entirely too much. This was a biggie. What I mean is that the good things in life — like cheese, butter, bread, wine, chocolate — should be accessories not the outfit. I have to make vegetables and whole grains the centerpiece of my diet and not vice versa.

Day 4
Today, I woke up HUNGRY. My tummy was all better and I definitely had a lighter feeling. Pushed through it. Survived.
Day 5
Ahhh, Day 5! Elation. I made it.
Not that my major goal was losing weight (we all know that a quick and drastic weight loss is bound to be short-lived) but I did drop 4 pounds. And I really did feel much lighter, less bloated and in a good mindset. I dusted off my “How Not to Die Cookbook” and picked out a few recipes that actually now looked delicious.
So what next?
ProLon recommends a Day 6 diet of light, small meals and transitioning into a regular healthy diet by Day 7.
I don’t mean to be overly dramatic, but this program changed my entire attitude toward food. I couldn’t go back to the same way of eating.
And I haven’t.
What started with a few dishes from the cookbook made me realize that “not dying” involved not relying on dairy for protein. See, I’ve eaten vegetarian for the most part for most of my adult life. I gave in to eating more meat when we adopted our son and I felt like I’d be a bad mom if I didn’t make sure we had a slab of meat on the dinner table a few days a week. Plus my husband likes burgers. But the fast sent me down a trail I’ve always taken a few steps down and then rushed back to the other path. Going vegan always sounded so hard. And vocal vegans can have a better-than-thou piety that I can’t stand. And plus, it seemed like a dreary existence.
But so far, it’s been more like a journey of discovery. I’ve lost another 10 pounds and I feel lighter and clear-headed. As my husband says, I’m following my heart and my heart feels good about not eating animals (dairy and eggs have a component of animal suffering that I won’t expand on but many of you already know these industries aren’t the most humane).
So you could say this fast changed my life. I’m still not going to jump out of a plane but this change in attitude is one worth it to me.
Get started on your own journey at prolonfast.com.
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