Bring the spa experience home with these free yoga videos.
Featured photo courtesy: www.freepik.com.
Our definition of the spa experience expands beyond the world of facials and massages. For us, the spa state-of-mind also incorporates healthy eating, mindful movement and an inner core draped in gratitude and generosity. We also believe that you don’t have to shell out your life savings to carve out your own slice of spa. So in the spirit of mindful movement, we dug up what we think are among the best free YouTube yoga classes and amp up your own home spa fit-ability.
Oh, and why yoga? Yoga is a practice accessible to anyone at any physical level. It also widely found at resort and destination spas across the globe. But don’t worry, once you start looking, you’ll find free videos on everything from zumba to belly dancing! Now on to the best free yoga videos.
Yoga Workout for Beginners
If you know absolutely nothing about yoga, this video is a great place to start. Yoga with Adriene walks you through a basic 20-minute home yoga workout. Another good one for beginners is this Yoga for Beginners with Makeba. Both offer clear instructions to set you off on the right foot.
Yoga for Weight Loss
Rev up your metabolism with this quick power yoga session with yoga instructor Svati Patangay of Stylecraze Yoga.
Yoga for Detoxing
This 20-minute sequence of stretches and twists from Yoga Journal help cleanse and detoxify organs and clear the minds. Instructor Kathryn Budig uses descriptive terms to lead you through the movements.
Yoga Buns Workout
Always upbeat and smiling, Denise Austin guides you through an energetic 30-minute yoga workout focusing on your buns from BeFit.
Standing Yoga Poses
Take your yoga practice outside with these heart-opening yoga poses led by yoga instructor Taj Paxton.
Flow Yoga
A powerful 50-minute yoga flow session with a scenic ocean background. Instructor Kathlem Holm leads poses are that clearly and exquisitely demonstrated.
Yoga for Sleep
At the end of a long, grueling day, dust off your mat and just relax. This 10-minute bedtime yoga video with Mel Douglas of the Black Women’s Yoga Collective will do the trick. Another good one is a 30-minute video from PsycheTruth. Both will prepare you for a good night’s sleep.
Yoga for Kids (and Laughs)
Got kids? YouTube also has a ton of free yoga videos geared toward kids. Among them, Cosmic Kids Yoga is wildly popular for their high-energy colorful sessions. Of course, a great place to start with your child is to practice alongside him or her. Be patient though. Yoga is an imperfect practice, no matter where you are or who you are with. Here’s a video that might make you smile. Namaste.
What are your favorite yoga videos to practice with at home? Do share by commenting below!

On Be More Yogic you’ll find lots of free yoga classes
Nice, thanks for sharing!
This is a great list and resource, thank you much!
I really like My Joy Yoga because they actually allow you to stream yoga classes live out of their studio. They have an on-demand video library that you can access 24/7, but they also allow you to register for classes on their online scheduling system for live stream classes. It’s nice because they offer a wide array of classes like power yoga, acro, restorative, pilates, prenatal, etc. I would definitely check it out if I were you: https://www.myjoyyoga.com